I want to shed light on the beautiful concept of gratitude in Islam 🤲🏼💕
đź“– Tip 1: Reflect on the Quran: The Quran is a treasure trove of guidance. Pay attention to verses , think, reflect, ponder.
Seek gratitude and the countless blessings bestowed upon us. Allah (SWT) says, "And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]" (Quran 14:7). Let's internalize this message and seek blessings through shukr.
🌞 Tip 2: Study the Serah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) he saw is the epitome of gratitude. Observe his teachings(sunnah) and follow his behaviour
đź’śtip 3: Developing a habit of saying "Alhamdulillah" Which translates to "all thanks & praise to be Allah." It is a powerful expression of gratitude. By saying "Alhamdulillah," we acknowledge Allah's greatness, His favours upon us, and our gratitude for His benevolence
🙌 Tip 4: Count Your Blessings: Pause and reflect on the numerous blessings bestowed upon you. Maintain a gratitude journal and write down 20 (or more) things you're grateful for each day. It will shift your focus to the positives and increase your appreciation for Allah's generosity.
đź’ž Tip 5: Give Back to Others: Share your blessings with those in need. SMILE,its sunnah.(not to non mehram)By helping others , we acknowledge our own privileges and express gratitude for what we have. Donate to charity, volunteer your time, or simply lend a listening ear to someone in distress. Acts of kindness and compassion magnify our gratitude.
🌿 Tip 6: Live in the Present Moment: Avoid dwelling on past regrets or anxieties about the future. Be grateful for present moment.
🌻Tip 7: Gratitude during Adversity: it is not limited to times of ease; it is equally important during times of difficulty. Islam teaches us to remain grateful and patient during trials and tribulations. Gratitude in adversity demonstrates trust in Allah's wisdom and a belief that He will provide relief.
Tip 8: By practicing Gratitude mindfully : It becomes our thoughts at subconscious level which leads to words, and actions of ALHAMDULILLAH đź’śwhich shapes our overall perspective on life. By maintaining a grateful mindset, we develop contentment, find solace, and strengthen our relationship with Allah (SWT).
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